Started Sailing

Dutch Girl to Follow Mike Perham Around The World

by Han
(Brittany, France)

As most of you are young I would like to ask you a question concerning a 13-year old Dutch girl who wants to sail around the world single-handed. In that way she thinks to break the record for the youngest one ever to cicumnavigate the world, established last month by 17-year old Mike Perham.
She was born on the yacht of her parents in New Zealand and has been sailing since she could walk.

What is your opinion?

Comments for Dutch Girl to Follow Mike Perham Around The World

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Nov 26, 2009
by: Alex

In my personal opinion, I think it is ludicrous to allow a 13 year old girl to go around the world on her own. She is just entering puberty and would have no-one around to help her with problems that could occur.

However, as long as she has all the information and is willing to risk her life for such a futile attempt, I would let her try it since it is her life not ours.

Nov 26, 2009
I agree
by: Han

As a freedom-loving person I agree with you, but she is now placed under custody for two months while child-care officials investigate het abilities; her father wants her to go, her mother (divorced) does not agree. It is quite a media-hype at the moment.

Nov 26, 2009
by: Pedro

Yeah I heard about that story. Its a little crazy to let a little girl sail on her own. No self respecting parent would allow their kid to do that and if they did, they should go in to counselling and the kid be taken into care. I can see that that has actually happenned.

Nov 26, 2009
What bothers me..
by: Han

Hi all,
What bothers me most is the fact that there's no way for her to know how she will react on being alone a long time.
When young I had comparable dreams, and to test myself I went single-handed non-stop around England and Ireland. Nearing the Outer Hebrides I went literally mad with loneliness, entered some little harbour and had some happy whisky-drenched hours with local fishermen. The remainder of the trip I made in stages.
Also I think of the people who'll have to risk their own life saving her if something goes wrong. Murphy's Law says something will.

Nov 26, 2009
yeah, but...
by: Tonette

its not a guaranty though if you're born with the yacht or something all that matters is that shes young and underage and under the parents care..if she wishes to circumnavigate the world then if its on the parents approval or maybe possible accompany her..

Nov 26, 2009
I think...
by: savvyeyty

You know I think there would be no parent who will allow their child to sail around the world at a young age of thirteen. Parents know they children and they know their capacity as well. And since this girl has been sailing since she can walk under the supervision of her parents and her dad supports her girl, then I think its okay to let this girl do it as long it is proved that she can by the authorities.

Nov 26, 2009
by: Mozart

Wow! It seems that the girl is determined to break the record. However, although it could be possible, the ocean is too dangerous. If she sails alone, would she be assisted? If so then, I guess she should give it a try. I know she would not come up with that plan if she isn't ready. And besides these would only show that girls could do what guys could do.

Nov 26, 2009
by: Han

Some publications on this subject in the Dutch press suggest she has been urged, maybe subtly coerced by her father, who's seeking the honour of being "the father of"? That would be really bad, don't you think?

Nov 26, 2009
by: savvyeyty

Yeah, but if showing to guys that that girls could also do what guys do is her only reason for doing it, then might as well do it when she's a little older.

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