Started Sailing

Harry Crossley

by Harry Crossley
(Isle of Man, UK)

Entered the Royal Navy at the age of sixteen, served for nine years, four of them in the Submarine Service. Back in civilian life made my way through various stages of industry.

Always had some form of sailing craft and sailed the Irish Sea extensively, at the same time found a great love of writing which I have done for the last thirty years.

Been yachting correspondent, article writer and published two books over the past two years, you've guessed it, with a maritime themes.

Found this site principally to find out more about the old sailing ships research for my present book.

I am retired now so have more time to do these things. I don't sail much anymore, my great pleasure is in reading and writing about ships and the sea.

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May 25, 2010
More Navy men, more writers!
by: Han

You're welcome Harry,

We're pleased to meet you, the third writer in the last few months and the first British Navy man; the others are Americans, also retired.
I googled your name and found this schooner-book with a resurrected Ahab!

Do you find enough material for your research? I wrote my articles mainly to give an impression of the maritime developments through the ages and to generate interest in the subject. This summer I'll be outside most of the time, but if you have any urgent question I'll try to find your answer.

Can I snare you for our expert-team? The combination of expertise and writership doesn't come too often...



May 27, 2010
by: Han

Hi Harry,

With a British Navy man on this site, I couldn't ignore this: Dunkirk, 70 years ago...
I knew several sailors (British, French, Dutch) and a few of the yachts and Dutch ships involved in the evacuation. For the youngsters and for us old gits, a reminder:, and: I'm sorry, the text on this site is in Dutch, but it shows the Dutch ships involved, something I'm proud of.



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Random Tip of the Day:

The birgee on the top of the mast of the sailing boat is a very useful piece of equipment, because it is very much like a wind direction finder of the apparent wind instead of the true wind. It will give you an accurate position of where the wind is and if you have one of the advanced ones, you can also find out the wind speed.

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