Started Sailing


by Joris


i'm joris i'm 15 years old and i like sailing very much.
my boat, called "the joem", is a Topper it's a nice boat and it' s very fast. i also sail in a RS 500, RS Q'ba and catamaran. I've been sailing for 10 years and I still like it. I sail almost every weekend. my parants have also an 42 foot jeanneau sun oddysey.


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Nov 26, 2009
by: Alex

Hi Joris, welcome to the forums!

I know you are dutch after answering your Ask The Expert question, did you find my response useful? Wow, your parents have a yacht? Thats very cool! Where do they keep and sail it? Sailing for 10 years, so you started when you were 5? What boat did you sail then?

Nov 26, 2009
by: Joris

hello Alex,
thank you for your answer it was very useful. every year we go on holiday with the yacht to England last three years we went to london, it was very nice. next year we go to the channel islands.
and yes i start sailing when I was five years old, in the optimist. I get it from my parants for my birthday :D


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