Started Sailing

Sailing Simulator - Online

by Alex Dotsch
(London, UK)

Less of a game and more of a simulator to help you understand the points of sail and how sail setting at that point effects the speed of the sailboat.

Controls: Use Mouse to control sail setting and keyboard left/right to change direction.

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Apr 25, 2011
useful and relaxing
by: Anonymous

for a sailing student still in the theoretical stage it can be useful from the visual aspect of how to thing about setting the sail relative to the wind rotating the boat and maintaining the angle of the sail relative to the wind and for the experienced it may serve to relax one after a day at the office far more effectively than watching the telly

Dec 30, 2011
by: Anonymous

I really like this game! I'm trying to teach a friend of mine how to sail and i was trying to help her understand points of sail. it's kinda hard when i can't go out on a boat and show her because it's winter, but I think this will be great for her! thanks

Jul 23, 2015
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Apr 24, 2016
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