Started Sailing

Stuck in a Cogmire...

by Nicole
(Smithfield Virginia )

Hello There! I have a question about ships in the mid 1100's. I did read the Cog page....but I'm still lost. I'm particularly interested on ships that would have been used on the Isle of Mann. I hate to say this but....I'm writing a story - never fear though, I'm going north! I'm thinking that they would have used whatever was in use in Norway at the time?? So would it be a cog?? More important than the type of ship (because frankly I can just gloss over that if I have to!) I want to know if there was a period during the year when they could NOT sail north - so from the Isle of Mann to Norway. Could they sail in the fall and early winter or would they have to put the oars to rest until spring?

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Random Tip of the Day:

When a gust hits make sure you have already prepared for it by releasing some mainsheet and letting the mainsail out. Also make sure that both you and your crew's weight is outside the boat just as the gust hits. This will enable you to power up significantly and accelerate faster than your racing opponents.

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