Started Sailing

Swedish Three-Masted Sailing Barque "Memory"

by Colin Waugh
(Teignmouth, Devon, UK)

Sailing Ship

Sailing Ship

I am attaching a picture of a painting in my mother-in-law's possession. It is believed to be a painting of a three-masted sailing barque, one of two, which sailed between Sweden and Newcastle On Tyne in the late 19th/early 20th century. My mother-in-law's grandfather, Ivor Blomberg, was believed to be the Master of one

In the painting, the ship is called "Memory" and the painting is signed "I.Blomberg" and dated 1909

Ivor Blomberg was born in 1859 in Norkopping, Sweden, and died in 1919 in South Shields

Can you possibly guide me as to where I might find out about the history of this ship please?

With many thanks

Colin Waugh

Comments for Swedish Three-Masted Sailing Barque "Memory"

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Jun 18, 2011
Sorry, this must be a full-rigged clipper ship!
by: Han

Hi Colin,

Although clearly made by a gifted amateur like my father, it shows his love for this beautiful ship and therefore it should be preserved carefully!
I could not find anything about it on google, but found this Swedish site where the chance of finding a satisfying answer to your question is the most probable:

I wish you'll find more about it and would like to hear about the results.



Jul 05, 2011
Swedish Three-Masted Sailing Barque "Memory"
by: Colin Waugh

Hi Han

I've been away for a while so please forgive the discourtesy in not acknowledging sooner

Thank you very much for your help and your comments; I will follow up the web site you suggest and let you know the outcome

Thanks again, and with best regards


Jul 20, 2011
The Memory
by: Dani

My husband was listening to his scanner and heard a sailing ship ask the New Haven (CT,USA)harbor master for docking instructions for the night, Her name was The Memory. My Husband saw the ship the next day, she was a large three masted ship.

Is there a repro of the original ship The Memory?

The ship was leaving her overnight stop on the morning of 7/20/11.

Thanks for any info.

Nov 05, 2015
Swedish Three-Masted NEW
by: Anonymous

The painting surely looks antique and the fact that it was signed during 1909 makes it of good value. I have read from assignment help websites that the archives about old sailing and war ships are kept in the National museum. If you contact them either personally or through mail there would be some answers coming out about the painting. My suggestion is, never get parted from the painting and maintain it in pristine condition for as long as possible.

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When you pull in the mainsheet tightly, it can be used as a mini-kicker. This can be used in small gusts where you just need that extra little bit of pointing power so that you can reduce the heel and go higher into the wind. Remember the mainsail is for pointing and the genoa is for power.

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